
Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Life Updates! I'm back...

I am writing this post to explain my absence and share a few updates that have happened in my life since I last posted. I can't promise it will be overly exciting! Lol!

Soo... I have kinda been neglecting my blog for numerous reasons. I have been in a bit of a slump about blogging as my anxieties got the better of me and knocked my confidence. I'm the sort of person who worries about what people think of her ALL THE TIME. I have had a few ideas about blog posts to create but I kept letting my thoughts get the better of me. I thought no one would be interested in what I had to blog about and convinced myself that people would think I was strange for wanting to write about my favourite beauty products etc. But as I enjoy reading blogs and watching Youtube to find out about the lastest products and other people's beauty regimes etc, there must be someone who might enjoy what I have to share. 

As well as this, I have started my second year of my foundation degree. I found the first year very stressful so I wasn't looking forward to going back. I need to get back into the swing of writing assignments and organising my time efficiently, which is why my blog ended up on the back burner. 

Last month, I discovered Bella Coco. I first watched a Youtube video on the Mum's Eye View channel, starring Sarah-Jayne and this led me to her channel, Bella Coco. She posts videos and blogs about lifestyle, beauty and crafts. Lots of her videos are about crocheting and tutorials. I have been wanting to learn to crochet for a few years now and with great thanks to Sarah-Jayne and her amazing tutorial, I have finally accomplished my 2013 New Year resolution and it is safe to say I LOVE my new hobby!!! The Bella Coco Instagram feed is beautiful and I have been inspired to make so many different things (I just need to find the time)!!

Yesterday (6th October 2015), I went into hospital to have my 4 wisdom teeth removed. As I am a very anxious person and I am also very pessimistic, it is safe to say I was nervous. I can be a complete baby about being in pain or feeling unwell and the thought of being put to sleep was comforting but also worried me. However, I am very proud of myself as I kept calm for the days leading up to the 6th and for the 4 hours I was in the waiting room. It wasn't until the nurse took me down and asked how I was feeling, that I burst into tears and all my anxiety that I'd been keeping at bay came flooding out. Thankfully, my Mum was with me and I'm so glad she was as even though I'm 22 years old, I don't think I could've done it without her. 45 minutes later, I was woken up and greeted by my partner Joe. Everything went well and I am now sat at home recovering with a swollen face. Recovery was something I was anxious about as I assumed that I would be in a lot of pain and very hungry. However, it has been nothing like I'd imagined and really quite bareable! I'm resting up and enjoying my time off work because it means I can crack on with my assignments, crocheting and catch up on daytime TV! :D 

I can't promise that I will upload regularly but I do want to use my blog as a space for me to share my crafts and thoughts and feelings about products etc. 

Love Emma